Madrid so far!

Running here is amazing… Everyone looks at me like I’m crazy for being in a tank top but it feels like summer here compared to Utah! I have a feeling I will need to be smart on race day because my lungs feel like I’m not even breathing but my muscles will not feel any advantage of running at sea level so I need to pace it smart.

6 miles on Tuesday and 4.7 miles on Wednesday with 3 x 1 mile @ 6:25 with 2 min recovery jogs.

I’ll write a more in-depth post on everything we did but for now, here is just a bunch of pictures out of order!

Our goal has been to eat everything we can.

They are shocked by every difference they come across, especially the door knobs in the middle of the door.

We have already walked more than I probably should have the week of a marathon.

But we just want to see and eat everything (no exaggerating, this was the best pasta I will ever eat)…

The Royal Palace is something else…

We were shocked that it was free to go here.

I’ve lost track of how much gelato we’ve had.

We went to a flamenco show and the hour went by way too quickly.

Boating around the lake at the Retiro was my favorite way to celebrate my bday.

The kids have voted we need a park like this in our city.

And now we are off to Seville! I cannot wait for the kids to meet our friends that we made through City Sighteseeing.

What do you have going on today?

The post Madrid so far! first appeared on The Hungry Runner Girl.


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