St George Illawarra Dragons, attack, Ben Hunt, Shane Flanagan, Kyle Flanagan, Tyrell Sloan, Zac Lomax, will they score more points

[ad_1] Everybody at St George Illawarra knows what needs to be done and now they’ve declared it’s time to do it. The elephant in the Dragons dressing room last season was their attack, and lack thereof it, scoring just 474 points en route to a second-last finish. The justified criticism was the attack had become … Read more

St George Illawarra Dragons, Shane Flanagan, Kyle Flanagan, father son, critics, halves, role, Ben Hunt, Arthur, Eels, Broncos, Walters, Cleary

[ad_1] Shane Flanagan sits in the southern grandstand at WIN Stadium overlooking the kingdom he’s confident he’s about to build. Asked if there will be any special treatment for the son of kings and the new Dragons coach doesn’t miss a bit. “Kyle won’t be getting any favours along the way, if anything, he has … Read more