Las Vegas. Round 1, Vegas Dozen, 12 players, US Embassy, visa approvals, police charges and arrests, news, highlights, videos, news

[ad_1] 12 NRL players have reportedly been summoned to appear at the United States Embassy for formal interviews to decide whether they are granted visas to enter America. That is according to The Daily Telegraph who are reporting Broncos superstar Reece Walsh is one of the ‘Vegas dozen’ who are racing the clock to be … Read more

NRL players set to be allowed into USA, immigration, visa issues, criminal record, Reece Walsh, Latrell Mitchell, reaction, news

[ad_1] A number of NRL stars are likely to be granted visas and given the all clear to travel to Las Vegas for the historic double header to kick off the new season. There were concerns raised by clubs a few weeks ago that the off-field history of some players could cause trouble in gaining … Read more