Seville! The nerves are kicking in…

Good morning! I hope your morning is off to a great start. We are in Seville and couldn’t be more in love with it already.

I started the morning off with a 5-mile run next to the river. I have one more 3-mile run today and then the next time I’ll run will be for the race.

The kids are all sleeping in later than ever here so by the time we left, we were all starving.

Brooke found an acai bowl…

And I started my 3-day carb load. I tried tracking it but it is pretty impossible over here so I’m just trying my best to get in as much as I can… Here’s to all of the juice and croissants for the next few days.

This city is truly the perfect size. It feels incredibly safe and it is super walkable to get from one place to the next. The colors of buildings, the architecture, the food, the orange trees, the culture… we don’t want to leave.

I found my dream apartment.

We went to the Plaza de Espana.

And then we roamed the gardens for a while.

Skye’s teacher told her that her homework is to come back with a book of pictures to show the class and she is taking this homework assignment quite seriously.

I’m half-asleep at this point so I’ll keep it short and end with this beautiful bowl of pasta. Good thing the Euro feels like pretend money to me because I’d probably be freaking out over the cost of how much food we are buying each day… it’s all just too good to stop.

Actually, I will end with this photo–>. The nerves are kicking in.

Pre-race nerves? Do you get them or not so much?

Do you run the day before a race or no?

Any fun weekend plans?

#Seville #nerves #kicking

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