Sam Kerr interviewed in police custody as fresh details of incident emerge, arrest, football news, latest, update


Sam Kerr spent time behind bars on the night of her alleged incident with a police officer, it has emerged.

The Matildas captain has pleaded not guilty to a charge of racial harassment of a police officer that resulted from an incident on January 30, 2023, in Twickenham.

About 3am on the night in question, the Chelsea striker allegedly vomited in a taxi, was involved in a dispute about the taxi fare, and allegedly called an attending police officer a “stupid white bastard”.

The Australian, however, has since reported Kerr’s legal team will argue she said the phrase “stupid white cop” during the incident.

Kerr’s legal team is preparing to apply to have the case thrown out when the case continues on April 26.

Kerr was charged on January 21 this year, but Football Australia was only made aware of the situation last week when Kerr appeared at Kingston Crown Court via videolink to enter her plea of not guilty.

Sam Kerr during the 2023 World Cup. Photo by Cameron Spencer/Getty Images.
Sam Kerr during the 2023 World Cup. Photo by Cameron Spencer/Getty Images.Source: Getty Images

New details of the 2023 incident have now come to light with documents from Kerr’s March 4 appearance showing the 30-year-old was detained and spent time in a holding cell, The Australian first reported.

The Sydney Morning Herald reports Kerr was placed in a police custody suite inside a police station and was interviewed during that time.

News Corp reports Kerr’s legal team has requested for further video footage of the incident to be made available to them.

Kerr’s legal team is reported to have asked the Kingston Crown Court last week for any CCTV footage from outside a Twickenham station or from inside the custody suite to be provided to them.

“We have noted there may be CCTV in this case, both from outside the police station, where the contact began and within the custody suite, and we would simply ask that that be preserved from this point on,” Kerr’s barrister Grace Forbes said according to court transcripts.

According to News Corp, Kerr’s legal team is also yet to receive footage taken from two police body cam clips. Kerr’s team has also requested the audio or transcript that was recorded from the interview Kerr did with police while being held in police custody.

The trial is expected to get underway in February, 2025 and is due to last four days with two police officers to give evidence.

Sam Kerr applauds fans. Photo by Brendon Thorne/Getty Images.Source: Getty Images

Judge Judith Elaine Coello said during Kerr’s plea hearing she understood that Kerr’s defence would be that she did not intend to cause alarm, harassment or distress to the police officer and that her behaviour was not racially motivated.

It has now been revealed Kerr was also warned by the judge about delaying any decision to change her plea to guilty — should that change of plea occur.

“Should there be any change in your position … the sooner you plead guilty to this matter, if that is your intention and your wish, the earlier you do that the better, do you understand?” Judge Coello said.

“You will lose credit as time goes on and should you be convicted after trial; you will lose all credit you might otherwise have obtained. Are you clear on all of that?”

If found guilty Ms Kerr could face up to six months jail or an unlimited fine.

Kerr remains on the sidelines after a serious knee injury that has left Kerr with next to no chance of returning to fitness in time for the Matildas’ Olympics campaign in Paris, beginning in July.


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