More evidence surfaces showing Google Messages’ edit feature in action

What you need to know

  • Message editing is all but confirmed to be coming to Google Messages following the latest leak. 
  • Android expert AssembleDebug managed to get message editing working in Google Messaging after flipping a few developer flags.
  • Google still has not confirmed that message editing will come to Google Message, and a release date is unclear.

Google Messages has been steadily gaining features of late, but a notable one missing is message editing. That’s rumored to be changing sometime soon, as references to message editing have been spotted in Google Messages as far back as early December. However, it’s all but confirmed to be coming now.

Android expert @AssembleDebug on X was able to get message editing up and running in Google Messages as of Thursday. After flipping a few flags in the most recent Google Messages beta, the feature became available. This confirms Google has actively worked on prepping message editing in Google Messages for release since the first leak. 


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