Great Big Biomedical Science Quiz – Virology

18 December 2023

Questions set by the IBMS Specialist Advisory Panels, which are comprised of experts in their specialist areas who advise the IBMS on science and policy


1. Orf is caused by which type of virus?

A Picornavirus
B Rhabdovirus
C Poxvirus
D Calicivirus
E Retrovirus

2. Which of the following is not an RNA virus?

A Retrovirus
B Enterovirus
C Rhabdovirus
D Adenovirus
E Rubella virus

3. Genetic variation in viruses contributes to their ability to evade the immune response. Select the principal means by which antigenic shift occurs in inluenza A virus.

A Low idelity of DNA-dependent DNA polymerase
B Low idelity of RNA-dependent RNA polymerase
C Low idelity of reverse transcriptase
D Reassortment of fragments of the RNA genome
E Recombination between RNA genomes

4. Many antiviral drugs act by inhibition of a viral DNA polymerase enzyme. Select the virus for which this class of drugs would be effective.

A Cytomegalovirus
B Inluenza
C Measles
D Mumps
E Rabies

5. Name one common method used in virology service delivery to detect the presence of viral genetic material. 

6. How do serological tests differ from molecular tests in virology service delivery? 

7. In virology service delivery, what does the term “viral load” refer to? 

8. What safety measures should be in place for the packaging and transport of infectious viral specimens in virology service delivery?

Answers below:


1. Orf is caused by which type of virus?

A Picornavirus
B Rhabdovirus
C Poxvirus
D Calicivirus
E Retrovirus

2. Which of the following is not an RNA virus?

A Retrovirus
B Enterovirus
C Rhabdovirus
D Adenovirus
E Rubella virus

3. Genetic variation in viruses contributes to their ability to evade the immune response. Select the principal means by which antigenic shift occurs in inluenza A virus.

A Low idelity of DNA-dependent DNA polymerase
B Low idelity of RNA-dependent RNA polymerase
C Low idelity of reverse transcriptase
D Reassortment of fragments of the RNA genome
E Recombination between RNA genomes

4. Many antiviral drugs act by inhibition of a viral DNA polymerase enzyme. Select the virus for which this class of drugs would be effective.

A Cytomegalovirus
B Inluenza
C Measles
D Mumps
E Rabies

5. Name one common method used in virology service delivery to detect the presence of viral genetic material.
Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) is a common method used to detect viral genetic material in virology service delivery.

6. How do serological tests differ from molecular tests in virology service delivery?
Serological tests detect antibodies produced by the immune system in response to a viral infection, while molecular tests directly detect the virus’s genetic material.

7. In virology service delivery, what does the term “viral load” refer to?
Viral load measures the quantity of virus present in a patient’s blood or other bodily luids. It is often used to monitor the progression of viral infections and the effectiveness of antiviral treatments.

8. What safety measures should be in place for the packaging and transport of infectious viral specimens in virology service delivery?
Specimens should be properly packaged, labelled, and transported in accordance with international guidelines to prevent contamination and ensure the safety of laboratory personnel and the public.

#Great #Big #Biomedical #Science #Quiz #Virology

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